Variant Perception works with the most sophisticated investors and funds. We are a small team by design and our research philosophy is “man + machine beats machine”.
Our indicators and data are designed to help clients navigate shifting macro landscapes. Many hedge funds, asset managers, family offices and pension funds use our data to quantify the business cycle and the longer-term capital cycle.
Our models fall into three investment time-horizons; the tactical (1-3 months), the cyclical (6-12 months), and the structural (2-3 years). It is our job to connect the 3 for clients in a scalable way.
As a growing business, we are looking to increase our capabilities in development, analytics and sales. Therefore, we are looking to hire entrepreneurial individuals in the following roles:
1) Quant/Full-Stack Developer
2) Sales Support Specialist
3) Fundamental Analyst
Please see for more details.